Australian Brandenburg Orchestra
Season 2025

Fully CG animated trailer for the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra's 2025 season featuring an epic odyssey of different visual worlds and ideas reflective of the diverse musical program for the 2025 season.

The most significant piece of the year called Water Music inspired us to use a variety of elemental concepts across the film designed to evoke and amplify the feeling of the music and breadth of audience experiences.

For this year we set ourselves an ambitious vision for the trailer inspired by a brilliant and bespoke score by composer Nick Wales commissioned by Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s Paul Dyer.

As always, we try to find ways to inject contemporary ideas into the old traditions of Baroque music. In this case, stylised worlds and LIDAR point-clouds explore synthesis between human movement and spatial data.

The music shaped our approach to treat each of the Series as an intentionally different visual chapter but still within the flow of one energetic narrative.